Ayodhya is the Adipuri, the first city of Vishnu, first among the Saptapuris – the seven mokshadayini ancient cities of India, situated on the banks of Sarayuriver where the rivers Tamsa and Ghaghara merge into it. We know this city from Ramayana, where the seventh avatar of Vishnu, Sri Ram took birth and ruled from. AyodhyaMahatmya in Skanda Purana introduces us to the city that has been ruled by the illustrious kings of Suryavamsha, a Tirtha that has been visited by the likes of Agastya Rishi and Ved Vyasa and a pilgrimage that every sage living anywhere on the sacred land of India wishes to undertake. It takes on a journey across the sacred geography of the city that is centred around the Janamsthan or the place where Sri Ram took birth, surrounded by many holy ponds, each of which has a story associated with it, and the ancient Murtis of Vishnu commemorating each time he descended on Ayodhya for the affection of his ardent devotees. This translation in easy English will introduce the city of Ayodhya to the reader as mentioned in AyodhyaMahatmya of Skanda Purana, and help enrich their pilgrimage to the sacred city.
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