Blue and Other Tales of Obsessive Love

Teji Grover Author
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Teji Grover’s prose has an elusive temperament, a transcendence that emerges from the echoes and images the narrative weaves. The many women in her fiction seem mythical creatures, who are smouldering with an ancient memory, in search of a paradise they were exiled from. Teji belongs to that tribe for whom an artist is essentially androgynous. As she strives to retrieve the primal woman in her fiction, a woman unencumbered by the civilizational constraints, the identity returns by a different route, creating a distinct discourse. Hindi, the language of her creative works, has an innate mythical character that has not yet yielded to the demands of rationality Meena Arora Nayak renders her fiction into English with an extraordinary deftness. This book, then, can also be read as an intimate conversation between the two languages. - Ashutosh Bhardwaj

Meena Arora Nayak (Meena Arora Nayak)

Meena Arora NayakMeena Arora Nayak is the author of the bestselling The Blue Lotus: Myths and Folktales of India. Her other books include Evil in the Mahabharata, Endless Rain, About Daddy, In the Aftermath, and The Puffin Book of Legendary Lives. She is a professor of English and Mythology and lives in the US.

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तेजी ग्रोवर (Teji Grover)

तेजी ग्रोवर वर्ष 1995-1997 के दौरान प्रेमचंद सृजनपीठ, उज्जैन की अध्यक्षता एवं वर्ष 1989 में भारतभूषण अग्रवाल स्मृति पुरस्कार, 2003 में रज़ा फाउंडेशन फेलोशिप और वरिष्ठ कलाकारों हेतु नेशनल कल्चरल फ़ेलोशि

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